Brown spots on the skin of the face often make you not confident. But, take it easy. Aside from being disguised with makeup, these skin spots can be removed by certain methods. Let's first identify the causes and how to overcome them.
Have you ever seen or experienced brown spots on facial skin? Apart from the face, brown spots can sometimes also be found on the hands. Not only brown, there are also those who experience reddish spots, light brown, yellow, or black. Although it is generally not a problem to worry about, some people might want to eliminate
Due to Sunlight
A small percentage of people have spots from birth due to heredity, but most are due to sun exposure. This spot is actually a skin cell that contains the melanin pigment. Generally spotted skin can be a sign of excessive sun exposure. These spots appear because the skin produces more melanin pigment in response to UV light. This is the reason the spots become darker after exposure to sunlight, due to increased levels of melanin and melanocytes. Light-skinned people because of the lack of pigment are usually more likely to experience spots. Not only in adults, freckled skin can appear in children around areas of the body that are prone to sunlight. These spots can even begin to be seen from the age of 1-2 years.Various Ways to Eliminate Freckles on the Skin
You do not need to panic because these spots are very common and usually do not cause health problems. In some cases, skin spots can disappear over time. If you want the spots on the face to no longer interfere and want to get rid of it quickly, the following methods can be done.Laser treatment
Performed using a focused laser beam to fade brown spots. Although generally safe from the risk of scars, but this treatment can still bring side effects, such as infection, red skin, swelling, itching, skin peeling, and skin discoloration. The doctor may prescribe certain medications before the procedure. The skin takes about 2 weeks to recover after laser treatment.
The cryosurgery procedure is performed using very cold liquid nitrogen to destroy abnormal skin cells. Although generally safe, without anesthesia, and the patient can recover quickly, cryosurgery can also cause side effects such as bleeding, hypopigmentation, or blisters.
Whitening cream
Topical medication in the form of a cream containing hydroquinone, can suppress the production of melanin so that it brightens the skin. However, this cream can cause inflammation, blistering, dry, burning, and discolored skin, so it should not be careless in using it.
Retinoid cream
Retinoid creams are made from vitamin A compounds, and are useful for fading spots and repairing sun damage. However, this cream also has side effects such as peeling skin, irritation, dry and reddish skin, and sensitive skin.
Chemical peeling
Chemical peels use ingredients containing glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid. These substances can eliminate spots by peeling skin. Side effects that may arise other than peeling skin include skin stinging, redness, swelling, and hardening. During the healing period of the skin, you need to apply the ointment, soak the skin, and take antiviral medication.
Natural medicine
The success of natural medicine has not been proven medically, but it never hurts to try. Some natural ingredients, such as honey, lemon juice, yogurt, and onions, can be applied to relieve spots. But stop using if the skin becomes irritated.
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